Thanks must go to everyone who made this trip possible. First and foremost, the Circumnavigators Club Foundation for generously sponsoring the trip. In addition, I have to thank the people who took time out of their busy schedules to meet with me and discuss my research. Thanks also to the kind people who invited me into their homes. This trip would not have been nearly as comfortable, safe or memorable without the experiences I shared with you. Finally, thanks to my family, girlfriend and friends who were always on the other Skype line when I became lonely. Last, but certainly not least, thanks to EVERYONE I met on this trip. This trip was really about the amazing people I met. I hope that you will all stay in touch and that our paths will cross in the future.
Until next time... (who am I kidding, I'll keep blogging as long as people keep reading)
An embarrassing picture to end it all
Luck to you all!
Congratulations Mac!! I hope we can all meet up at some point and trade stories :)