Sunday, June 14, 2009

Goodbye Europe...

My flight is in 3 1/2 hours and my bag is packed. I've had an absolutely incredible time in Budapest. The people I met through interviews were fascinating, and I only wish I could stay longer since there are so many more people to meet! The hostel I stayed in was fantastic, and the people I met were all so fun. It's weird to stay in one hostel for a week. I think I went through about 3 distinct sets of friends. Imagine how it is for the owners! Social interactions are funny when you're only around people for 48 hours. Luckily, with the proliferation of Facebook and such, it is much easier to stay in touch. Still, it's very odd to think that I will probably never see the people I have spent so much time with in the last 48 hours.

Budapest highlights included the Turkish baths, the Terror House (dedicated to the memory of the suffering under the Hungarian Nazis and the Communists), and sunrise from the Citadel. I'll try and post pictures of the sunrise when my hostel mate sends me the pictures. Let me say, it was probably one of the most beautiful sites I've ever seen. The Blue Danube was glistening and a few stray clouds turned gradually from purple to red to orange to white. We walked home and even caught the opening of Budapest's massive farmer's market. Picked up some fresh produce and pastries, which made the sleep deprivation much more tolerable.

All in all, Europe has been a delight. It's going to be a huge change to get to Egypt (and then India, etc.), and I'm sure it will be much more difficult. Besides the language, Prague and Budapest are not all that different from Western Europe and America for tourists. I'll post when I get to Egypt (the hotel/hostel has wifi... always critical), and enjoy my single room. As fun as dormitory style sleeping is, I'm excited to have my own room and just catch up on sleep.

And so I bid you farewell and I'll catch you in 8 hours.

1 comment:

  1. So here's the deal Mac. You have become somewhat of a drug dealer here. You start your trip with a post a day for a few days and get us poor schmucks hooked on travel, then you start skipping a few days between posts. I am sure that within the next week you will start charging us for these posts. "Just like a drug dealer."

    Have a great time in Egypt.

